All meetings are held in the Council Chamber, Wareham Town Hall, East Street, Wareham unless otherwise stated.
The activities and responsibilities of the Town Council are many and most of its work is overseen by various Committees appointed by the Council.
Deals with matters concerning policy, resources and general financial decisions, including the annual budget setting process, borrowing and investments, financial regulations, land and property (leases, rents, disposal etc.), legal proceedings, public relations, tourism, standing orders, crime prevention, bye laws. Determines applications for donations (grants) from local groups and organisations, and generally advises the Town Council on policy matters. Considers all other matters not within the purview of another committee.
Consideration of all planning applications within the Town area. Consideration of transport matters including liaison with Dorset Council on highway and traffic regulation orders, parking and traffic calming, local and strategic plans, all other highway matters.
Management of the Wareham Recreation Ground in Worgret Road containing cricket/football pitches and a play area, three other play areas in North Wareham, open spaces, rights of way, Howard's Lane car park, land and property management, public seats, war memorial, street lighting, arts and entertainment, litter/environmental issues, shelters, signs and matters arising from Wareham Burials Joint Committee.
Looks after all things connected with the Town Museum: acquisitions, exhibitions, projects, policy, finance, volunteer support.
Looks after all aspects of staffing: personnel, salaries, training.